How to Strengthen Your Scenes and Make Them More Compelling

A domino is a small flat tile marked with an arrangement of dots or pips (similar to those on dice) and used as a gaming object. The word derives from the Latin “domino,” meaning “little one.” Dominos can be made in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and there are many different games that can be played with them. They are also popular for teaching kids number recognition and counting.

A person who constructs mind-blowing domino setups is called a domino artist. Hevesh, a domino artist from Malaysia, has more than 2 million YouTube subscribers and has helped set a world record for the largest domino display in a circle. She has built setups for movies, TV shows, and events—including the album launch of pop star Katy Perry. Her best installations take several nail-biting minutes to fall, but once they do, the results are stunning.

To create a domino display, Hevesh follows a similar process to how an engineer would design a building. She begins by considering the theme or purpose of the installation and brainstorming images she might want to use. She then makes a plan of the layout, and finally, she tests each section to make sure it works.

Hevesh also finds that creating a successful story requires the same process of planning and testing. If the scenes in a story aren’t spaced correctly, the whole cascade of events won’t work. This is true whether you write by hand or use a software program like Scrivener to help you plot ahead of time. Scenes should advance the story, either by moving the hero farther from or closer to the goal, and they should have enough logical impact on the scenes before them to build tension and suspense.

Similarly, if a scene feels too long or too short, the effect will be off. The same is true if the action or dialogue in a scene isn’t interesting, doesn’t add to the mystery, or doesn’t raise the stakes. In fiction, the most powerful scenes are ones that have a deep impact on the character and the story.

Fortunately, there are many ways to strengthen your scenes and make them more compelling for readers. Keep an eye out for our next Wonder of the Day, which will discuss some of the tricks writers use to achieve this. Until then, happy writing!